Fear isn't your enemy, but a sign post

I came across this quote today " Fear isn't your enemy, but a sign post".  I love this because we all have dreams and a lot of time fear gets in the way.  For a lot of people the fear and anxiety they feel from being afraid ends up stopping them from going after there dreams so there dream just ends up turning into a daydream that never leaves their mind and because of fear that dream they would love to turn into a reality only stays a dream.
  I know first hand about that because for a long time my dream was just that a dream, today my dream is a reality because I decided to not care what other people thought or said about it and told myself the people in my life that choose not to support me won't be a part of this mermazing journey I'm on.  I'm very lucky because  the ones that are my biggest supporters are my husband and family.  I'm not saying to cut out everyone that doesn't support your dream just don't let fear come in the way  of it and give up.  Let those people be your biggest sign and work harder at your dream and turn it into a reality for you too! A lot of time people don't support things they don't understand it isn't necessarily that their meaning to be unsupportive of your dream its just that they can't see the big picture on what your visions for yourself are. I can't tell you how many times people in my life have laughed at me, told me what I'm doing is crazy or said " Nicole seriously you need to stop with this mermaid stuff you look crazy".  I had to let comments like that go in one ear and out the other because they don't matter I just wish I had the strength to do that at a younger age but I sure am happy I'm able to do that now.  I've accomplished so much more by not letting others get to me or discourage me.  I've realized a lot of time people say negative things or shoot others dreams down because they don't have the strength or courage to go after their own. If you hear negative things about your dreams or goals don't let it upset you or discourage you from going after it, instead let it be your sign that you're headed in the right direction and use that as power to keep working hard towards it.  I promise you those same people that had negative words to say to you will most likely be inspired the most by you, you have the power to help change peoples negative thinking into positive so go after your dream wholeheartedly and work hard at accomplishing all your goals.  Remember fear isn't your enemy, but a sign post, its all up to you....


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