
Showing posts with the label be brave

I'm a Co-sleeping and bed sharing mama !

I’m a co-sleeping and bed sharing mama and have been since the day we brought our son home from the hospital. My son Easton was born 6 weeks early and when we brought him home he was so so tiny and slept the best when he was sleeping on my chest and to be completely honest I feel the best when he's sleeping on me too. I can feel and hear him breathing so I know he's safe, and that puts my mind at ease.   When I would tell people we co-sleep and bed share I heard everything from "your making a mistake he'll never sleep in a crib" and "oh you shouldn't do that he needs to learn to sleep alone" or "your gonna spoil him, you'll be sorry later ". The list goes on and on. Being a new mama I thought oh no am I doing the wrong thing even tho I feel its the right thing?  I questioned myself as a mom and my husband said " honey your dong the right thing and your a great mom , this works for us and our son, and you know whats best for our bab

Be Brave and Create your own Happiness

   I've always been determined to be my own boss and do what I love while making money.  It's not an easy thing to do or figure out , It took me many years to figure out how I could make a living doing what I love every single day but also make money to pay my bills and be comfortable.   I never went into mermaiding or being a hair stylist having her own little salon from home  thinking it was gonna make me rich ....I just want to make enought to support myself.  To be completly honest I wasn't sure if that was even possible.  I mean how were people gonna know about me if I didnt work for a big company ?  Would people actually call to book me ? What if they canceled ?  I have no big sign on the road advertising my business so how sucessful could i really be ?   These were all questions that went through my mind over and over and sometimes scare me.        Im still very new at this but guess what people started hearing about me through friends and social media, I joined th