You can be anything... Choose to be kind

It's true you can be anything you want in this world but always choose to be kind.  Kindness means being Friendly , generous & considerate and this quality will truly get you far in life. Some people in this crazy world may say kindness is someone who's weak but that is simply un true. Being kind requires courage and strength.  

   A kind person has there eyes open and to be active when you see someone in need, for example when you see someone being hurt or bullied by someone else, to be kind means to step in or get help if the situation is a dangerous one.  It is not ok to not do anything.  You have the power to help change someones life with kindness.  Maybe you know someone thats having a bad day a simple smile or nice message could turn there whole day around and trust me its the best feeling to know you've changed their whole day and instead of it being a bad one it might just be one of the best days. Help to motivate and encourage others in all they do,  think about when someone does something nice for you it makes you want to do something nice for someone else right?  I know thats a yes so the more you do for others the more it will be passed on and with  just little acts of kindness you are changing the world for the better!  In each and everyday I want you to always remember to do something nice for someone else , always use kind words when speaking to others and pay attention to whats going on around you if you know someones being treated badly speak up , it may be hard to in that moment and thats where courage and strength come in but you are a  strong beautiful person and this world is a better place because of you! 


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