Mama’s remember to take care of you too !

My son now is 15 months old and time is seriously just flying past me faster then ever .  Being  a mama and taking care of my sweet boy is simply the most amazing thing in the world.  I’m a stay at home mom so I’m with my son 24/7 and don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t trade one minute of it . Some people may think stay at home moms have it easy and that we have all the time in the world to do things for ourselves , it’s actually quite the opposite we are home and with our kids 24/7 but we are teaching , feeding , playing games , cleaning up all the messes that are made all day , cooking  and much more.  It’s natural for us mamas to give , give , give .  Give ourselves to our children , husbands , family, work  and completely forget about ourselves,  all the full time working moms out there I know it’s hard for you to even set a few minutes aside as you wake up take care of your family’s needs and then rush out the door to work and come home to do it all over again and then try and fit some sleep in .  Doesn’t matter if your at home with your kids or working away from home we are all mothers doing the best for our families each and everyday and forgetting about ourselves along the way .  

I’ve learned over this last year that I needed to take better care of my sons mama ( me ) I need to feel my best so that I can be the best mama to my sweet boy .  I had really been neglecting to set time aside for me.  Before I had my son I would meditate daily , never miss a workout and do all kinds of things for myself as I was the only one I needed to care for , and now that I have my son his needs will absolutely always come first.  I’m now finally learning to manage my time a bit better and making sure I at least set one to hour a day aside for me and do something for myself that makes me happy. I’ve been meditating again this helps me mentally feel great and get my day started .  I have now been trying to clean up our messes as we go so when my son is napping I can do something to make me feel great like workout, dance, write in my journal , crafting , and mermaiding. 

 I just re started my Etsy store and orders are starting to come in . ( ) I had shut it down during my pregnancy and I hate that I did that I just love creating things .  

I’m back to mermaiding which is a HUGE part of my life and had to stop when I found out I was pregnant due to the tail being to heavy and then after he was born I didn’t fit into my tail until now . It feels great and I feel like me when I do these things for myself.     I didn’t even realize I was losing a lot of myself until once I started setting a little time aside for me daily and doing the things I love that fuels me and keeps my light burning bright .  I recently have been asked by a mom friend ... “What is your secret ? “ 

I was confused I didn’t know what she was referring to and I said “what? “ 

She said “your always happy and so positive and becoming a mom hasn’t sucked the life out of you yet .   “

So I told her “ I just think it’s important to not lose yourself entirely.  I just make sure to do something daily for myself that makes me feel good “.

  Motherhood changes us of course and it’s the hardest also BEST job in the world.  just remember to take care of yourself daily and do something that makes you feel good . I know sometimes it’s impossible to do something for yourself without your child around I know sometimes it is for me because he won’t nap or whatever.  That’s ok I just get him involved with what I’m doing I’ll lay him down with me while I meditate (the meditation music relaxes him almost instantly). Or have him workout or dance with me . We make it work and then I get to at least do that one thing for myself.
    Children are sponges When you feel happy your child will feel that happy energy too . Children feel our moods they can sense and feel if we’re happy or not and it can play a huge part on how they feel and even on their personality.  Mama’s just be sure to take care of you too !


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