
Showing posts with the label role model


     I    Love the word Inspire, there are so many things that inspire me in life and on this mermagical journey I'm on.  The word inspire has different meanings to everyone and I think that's why i love it so much.  Inspire means to stimulate, motivate, encourage, energize, spark, excite, uplift and it goes on .  So what or who Inspires you in life?  I know that can be a tough question for some but take the time to really think about it, everyone is inspired by something.  Also think about who you may inspire, a friend , family member, the guy at the coffee shop, a niece or nephew. You may not realize that you probably inspire others around you but it's true. Think about who may be looking up to you for inspiration it could be a stranger you meet and were kind to and they will carry that with them and that could inspire them to do something for someone else.       For me I've always been inspired by the beach, the ocean , all the mermazing things around me everyday i

channel your inner mermaid part 1

Image   Being a mermaid isn't just swimming in a tail and entertaining people, its a way of living. What I mean by that its being the best you can be.  It,s being kind, genuine, loving, honest, helping people around you that need help and doing your part in helping protecting our earth.     Mermaids are connected and united with nature , connect yourself with the outdoors its great for your well being - go on a hike, meditate outdoors you'll be amazed how great you'll feel if you try and unite yourself with nature daily.  Have you every just danced in the rain and embraced it?  It's an incredible and freeing feeling, try it next time it rains put your umbrellas away dont worry about getting your hair and makeup wet and just walk thru , dance and sing in the rain!  make sure you take just 15 - 30 min a day doing something in nature.  bird watch, simply just sit down outside feel the earth beneath you close your eyes and listen to gods creations.  It wil