I'll always hold his hand

I’m just laying next to my sweet boy holding his hand while he naps , studying his sweet face and just everything about him , kissing his soft checks a million times and I say to myself everyday how did I get so lucky to be his mama . There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him and I will make sure every single day that he knows just how much I love him . I love watching him grow but I’d also like to live in these beautiful moments with him forever . ( my post from feb 23, 2020)

    This was my post from almost 4 years ago and I can tell you one thing motherhood in these last few years has had so many amazing moments but it has also had some crazy challenging moments too. good days or bad days I always lay next to my son and hold his hand while he sleeps and when he's asleep I talk to him every single night telling him how much I love him , I tell him he's my everything, I tell him how amazing he is , how proud of him I am , while I study his face and listen to him breathe and take in every moment I have with him. It's so important to me to whisper in his little ear loving and positive words and things about him while I hold him at night. I know he's sleeping and I know he can't hear me like he can when he's awake but it does do something. My son is 5 now and he's never had a bad dream. Sometimes he'll wake up and say something like " mama im so brave" , or "mama I'm the sweetest ". Those are some of the phrases I whisper in his ear while he's sleeping . I feel like its building his confidence , and I love that he says positive things about himself. I hope he stays as confident about himself always. if he has days he doesn't I'll always be the one to lift him right back up and I'll be next to him each night holding his hand while he sleeps and whispering loving words in his sweet little ear every night for as long as I can.


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