
Showing posts with the label great job mama

Mama’s remember to take care of you too !

My son now is 15 months old and time is seriously just flying past me faster then ever .  Being  a mama  and taking care of my sweet boy is simply the most amazing thing in the world.  I’m a stay at home mom so I’m with my son 24/7 and don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t trade one minute of it . Some people may think stay at home moms have it easy and that we have all the time in the world to do things for ourselves , it’s actually quite the opposite we are home and with our kids 24/7 but we are teaching , feeding , playing games , cleaning up all the messes that are made all day , cooking  and much more.  It’s natural for us mamas to give , give , give .  Give ourselves to our children , husbands , family, work  and completely forget about ourselves,  all the full time working moms out there I know it’s hard for you to even set a few minutes aside as you wake up take care of your family’s needs and then rush out the door to work and come home to do it all over again and then try and