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Channel your inner mermaid part 4

    Mermaids have  the special gift of connection, Meaning they can connect with anyone they think about. Imagine thinking of a friend or relative who lives far away and wishing they were right there with you. When mermaids think of someone they can feel the connection with that person like their right in front of them and can also heal from a distance. They can feel if that person needs healing and can do just that. In our world we can do they same. we can connect with others on all levels even if there not close by. We as well have the power of deep connection and healing. Spiritual healing is so powerful, we all have a god we believe in and pray to, It's having that belief and faith that will help in the healing process.     I'm also a big believer in crystal healing and mediation. My meditation I call mermaid meditation... one reason is because I am a professional mermaid and before I enter the water I do a 15 - 20 min meditation to clear my mind and to connect me be