Channel your inner mermaid part 4

    Mermaids have  the special gift of connection, Meaning they can connect with anyone they think about. Imagine thinking of a friend or relative who lives far away and wishing they were right there with you. When mermaids think of someone they can feel the connection with that person like their right in front of them and can also heal from a distance. They can feel if that person needs healing and can do just that. In our world we can do they same. we can connect with others on all levels even if there not close by. We as well have the power of deep connection and healing. Spiritual healing is so powerful, we all have a god we believe in and pray to, It's having that belief and faith that will help in the healing process. 
   I'm also a big believer in crystal healing and mediation. My meditation I call mermaid meditation... one reason is because I am a professional mermaid and before I enter the water I do a 15 - 20 min meditation to clear my mind and to connect me better with the earth and the water. I feel better and also forget about everything else in the world and of any stress I may have in my life.  Then when I enter the water I'm 100% relaxed and being mindful of the moment I'm in and I'm in my own world... my mermaid world.  I do also do my meditation daily each morning when I wake up and always before I go to bed.  It helps so much with any anxiety I may be feeling from things that may of happened in my day either at work or in my personal life ,  after meditating I can then fall asleep much easier and with a clear head helping me get more of a restful sleep. Meditating as soon as I wake up helps me start my day of with positive energy and helps me be mindful of each moment as it arises.  It's so important that were all mindful of what were doing in each moment. We all have the tendency to be so worried about whats gonna happen in our future or what has happened in our past that we're not living in the present moment. the past has happened so you need to let it go , you cant change the past you can't determine the future all you can do is live for today and in this moment right now. So live in the moment and stop worrying about the things you cant change or for what may happen tomorrow or the next day.  There is no guarantee that any of us will be here tomorrow so be happy and thankful for each day your given and live really live in the moment and take it all in and enjoy it! Meditation has really helped me do just that. Try it !  A great app I've down loaded on to my phone to help get me started in meditation is an app called Calm.  It's a great app for beginners and will teach you thru guided meditations how to bring mindfulness into your life.  There is also a book by the creators of that app. I love this book because its not a book that is meant to be read from beginning to end its a book that you just dip in and out of and try the exercises that look interesting to you, or if your feeling overwhelmed flip the book open and page though it and you"ll find positive affirmations. The picture
below is of the book. I bought mine at target but you can also find it on amazon .
 #calm #mermaidnicolelea #meditation


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