Follow your Dreams

     Following your dreams whatever they are can be a challenging thing to do.  Whether it be traveling the world, playing in a band, starting a business you've always dreamed of doing or getting that dream job you've always wanted.  All of us have dreams and it's so easy to just keep going through the motions of daily life, and then one day you'll wake up and wonder why you never followed those dreams of yours.  The good news is its never too late to go after what you want. If you don't at least try to make what you've always dreamed of come true you will never truly be 100% happy, trust me on this I know. It can be very scary to make a life change especially when you get comfortable , I know this because i'm doing it.  Im finally for the first time in my life making my dreams come true and I dream of that day when I can do this and only this and not have another job to go to, but at the same time its very scary cuz I think to myself  " well what if I get busy and then quit my job that's been paying my bills for so long and then I slow down? "  Then in the next breath I say well I'll figure that out if that does happen when it does because this is my dream and I cant live life wondering and I know in my heart chasing this dream and being on this incredible journey is making me happy and I have the drive and determination to make this successful, I am passionate and I live and breathe this and if you feel the same way about your dreams then follow them because there is no way that it wont work.  Push all those negative thoughts away and don't listen to negative people.  Those people who don't support you and don't have anything good to say are only jealous and probably sad that they never had that courage, drive and passion to go after there dreams and now they feel stuck and unhappy.  So go for it and chase those dreams , Never stop !


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