
Showing posts with the label positive life

I'm a Co-sleeping and bed sharing mama !

I’m a co-sleeping and bed sharing mama and have been since the day we brought our son home from the hospital. My son Easton was born 6 weeks early and when we brought him home he was so so tiny and slept the best when he was sleeping on my chest and to be completely honest I feel the best when he's sleeping on me too. I can feel and hear him breathing so I know he's safe, and that puts my mind at ease.   When I would tell people we co-sleep and bed share I heard everything from "your making a mistake he'll never sleep in a crib" and "oh you shouldn't do that he needs to learn to sleep alone" or "your gonna spoil him, you'll be sorry later ". The list goes on and on. Being a new mama I thought oh no am I doing the wrong thing even tho I feel its the right thing?  I questioned myself as a mom and my husband said " honey your dong the right thing and your a great mom , this works for us and our son, and you know whats best for our bab

Positive Mind = Positive Life

     Positive Mind = Positive Life ,  I woke up today and that was my first thought of the day and I'm so happy it was, its true you have to always keep a positive mind even at the hardest times in life.  Lately over the last couple weeks I feel like I've come in contact with people just radiating negativity or going out of there way to make me feel bad and there were a few days Im sad to say it worked and I came home just feeling down, not myself.  It didn't last long witin a few hours I said to myself  " Nicole what they said doesn't matter and don't let them take the positive happy energy out of you because there the ones not happy with themself ."  Then that was that and I tried not to give it anymore of my thought or time because it really doesn't matter and I wasn't about to let them win, the way I felt that day when I came home is exactly how that person was hoping I'd feel for probobly days but I didnt let that happen.    Always keep a

Channel your inner mermaid part 4

    Mermaids have  the special gift of connection, Meaning they can connect with anyone they think about. Imagine thinking of a friend or relative who lives far away and wishing they were right there with you. When mermaids think of someone they can feel the connection with that person like their right in front of them and can also heal from a distance. They can feel if that person needs healing and can do just that. In our world we can do they same. we can connect with others on all levels even if there not close by. We as well have the power of deep connection and healing. Spiritual healing is so powerful, we all have a god we believe in and pray to, It's having that belief and faith that will help in the healing process.     I'm also a big believer in crystal healing and mediation. My meditation I call mermaid meditation... one reason is because I am a professional mermaid and before I enter the water I do a 15 - 20 min meditation to clear my mind and to connect me be