Positive Mind = Positive Life


 Positive Mind = Positive Life ,  I woke up today and that was my first thought of the day and I'm so happy it was, its true you have to always keep a positive mind even at the hardest times in life.  Lately over the last couple weeks I feel like I've come in contact with people just radiating negativity or going out of there way to make me feel bad and there were a few days Im sad to say it worked and I came home just feeling down, not myself.  It didn't last long witin a few hours I said to myself  " Nicole what they said doesn't matter and don't let them take the positive happy energy out of you because there the ones not happy with themself ."  Then that was that and I tried not to give it anymore of my thought or time because it really doesn't matter and I wasn't about to let them win, the way I felt that day when I came home is exactly how that person was hoping I'd feel for probobly days but I didnt let that happen.
   Always keep a positive mind and positive thought with everything you do in life and I promise that will make your life a very happy and fun one to live.  If something at work or school doen't go right try not to let that get you down, just think that it probobly happened that way to teach you the right way of doing that task and from now on you will now perfect that every time.  If something isn't going right at home with family memebers it could be for a reason ... maybe you need to have better communication at home so sit that person down and talk it out until you both feel good about the way your dealing with things and learn to have better communication skills togeather in a positive way.  If you have friends in your life who have negative thinking or behavior help them try to change that and share your positive thinking and lifestyle with them, just dont let it change your positive mind or life, and if you notice it starting to change you for the worst then it could be time for you to take a step back from that friendship and re evaluate it.  One thing I've learned over the years is that people who are truly your frinds won't talk negativly about you or at you , they won't be jealous of you or your acomplisments in life they'll be happy for you and support you, and if they don't then they are really not good people to surround yourself with. Anytime you catch yourself  starting to think or act in a negaitve way quickly stop because negative thoughts will turn in to negative life expieriences and we only have one life so make it happy and full of great positive expieriences and be sure to surround yourself with positive people. 
    Always keep your mind positive and focused on all the great things in life and your goals and you will acomplish everything you've ever wanted and more! Don't ever forget Positive mind = Positive life !!  You are beautiful and mermazing don't ever forget that .



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