
Showing posts with the label dream big

Follow your Dreams

      Following your dreams whatever they are can be a challenging thing to do.  Whether it be traveling the world, playing in a band, starting a business you've always dreamed of doing or getting that dream job you've always wanted.  All of us have dreams and it's so easy to just keep going through the motions of daily life, and then one day you'll wake up and wonder why you never followed those dreams of yours.  The good news is its never too late to go after what you want. If you don't at least try to make what you've always dreamed of come true you will never truly be 100% happy, trust me on this I know. It can be very scary to make a life change especially when you get comfortable , I know this because i'm doing it.  Im finally for the first time in my life making my dreams come true and I dream of that day when I can do this and only this and not have another job to go to, but at the same time its very scary cuz I think to myself  " well what if

Channel your inner mermaid part 2

Image   Mermaids are good creatures they have a tremendous amount of empathy for other beings. They feel what others feel , I believe we all should be that way. Put yourself on a daily basis in someone else's shoes. Just doing or saying something kind can turn that persons day even week around, and then they may return the kindness to someone else that's in need of it.  Don't hurt anyone's feelings for any reason, even if you dislike that person  always be kind and maybe if you go out of your way and make a kind gesture,  try and help that person or get to know that person a little more. Kindness goes a long way and I promise it will rub off on others around you. I've worked for many years in the service industry waiting tables and bartending and I run into on a daily basis rude and just mean people and sometimes I feel like just breaking down and crying but I keep a smile on my face and instead of being rude back I try to make sure I'm  extra ki

channel your inner mermaid part 1

Image   Being a mermaid isn't just swimming in a tail and entertaining people, its a way of living. What I mean by that its being the best you can be.  It,s being kind, genuine, loving, honest, helping people around you that need help and doing your part in helping protecting our earth.     Mermaids are connected and united with nature , connect yourself with the outdoors its great for your well being - go on a hike, meditate outdoors you'll be amazed how great you'll feel if you try and unite yourself with nature daily.  Have you every just danced in the rain and embraced it?  It's an incredible and freeing feeling, try it next time it rains put your umbrellas away dont worry about getting your hair and makeup wet and just walk thru , dance and sing in the rain!  make sure you take just 15 - 30 min a day doing something in nature.  bird watch, simply just sit down outside feel the earth beneath you close your eyes and listen to gods creations.  It wil