Mermaid Mama's seaside summer salad

Sea Side Summer Salad 

This Salad I absolutely love and make a lot in the summer time. Its so light but also very filling.  I love fruit and to be honest its hard for me to eat salads without fruit in it. I have been trying to eat more salads since having my baby , still have baby weight I'm trying to shed but most importantly I want my son to learn healthy habits and I want him to like eating veggies and salads so I need to lead  by example.  I used to just throw my veggies in a shake and drink them but I want my son to see me eating them along with him. I call this yummy salad Seaside Summer Salad and no theirs not any seafood in it ( I don't eat my own kind silly, lol) just thought it sounded fun !

Seaside Summer Salad single serving Total calories 390 :

~ 1 cup of baby spinach
~1/2 ounce of walnuts
~1 ounce of feta cheese
~1/2 cup of raspberries
~1/2 cup of blueberries
~ 4 large strawberries cut thin
~ and one serving of raspberry vinaigrette

If you'd like to make your own dressing here's how :

~  1 1/2 cup of raspberries fresh or frozen
~ 1/2 cup of olive oil
~ 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar
~ 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt
pepper to taste


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