
Showing posts with the label mermaid mama

Mama’s remember to take care of you too !

My son now is 15 months old and time is seriously just flying past me faster then ever .  Being  a mama  and taking care of my sweet boy is simply the most amazing thing in the world.  I’m a stay at home mom so I’m with my son 24/7 and don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t trade one minute of it . Some people may think stay at home moms have it easy and that we have all the time in the world to do things for ourselves , it’s actually quite the opposite we are home and with our kids 24/7 but we are teaching , feeding , playing games , cleaning up all the messes that are made all day , cooking  and much more.  It’s natural for us mamas to give , give , give .  Give ourselves to our children , husbands , family, work  and completely forget about ourselves,  all the full time working moms out there I know it’s hard for you to even set a few minutes aside as you wake up take care of your family’s needs and then rush out the door to work and come home to do it all over again and then try and

My son has taught me to be a kid again

Becoming a mama has made me a kid again , my son is only a year old and In this last year he has taught me so much.  I used to be so silly and goofy ALL the time and as I got older I started actually growing up . As I started having more responsibilities and the stress of life my kid like self just started changing and I really didn’t realize I had lost it until my son was born . All of a sudden I started being silly again making up goofy dances, making up all sorts of little fun songs for him , crawling around at the playground chasing him pretending that I can’t catch him ( he loves that ) .  I made up this song called “I’m the dancing turtle” along with a dance and I end up having to perform this song and dance for him when were at the store or in a restaurant , I catch people looking at me ( I mean how could you not look ).  I also made up this diaper changing song that I sing to him almost every time I change his diaper and yes even in public restrooms. My son loves to dance (

I'm a Mermaid Mama!!

So it's been a while since my last post I've had a lot going on.... I am now a Mermaid Mama!    I had my son Easton on october 29, 2018 he is now ten months old and is absolutly  my whole world! Its amazing how much he's changed my life in the best way , everyone told me when I was pregnant that there is no greater love and they were all so right on that . It's a love so strong there are no words big enough to describe it.   Our sweet baby boy entered this world 6 weeks early and had to spend a week in the NICU, let me just say that was the hardest most emotional week of my life. When they came in my room and told me they were discharging me without my baby I just lost it I just couldn't imagine leaving without my baby. Once discharged I went home packed a backpack with things I needed went right back to the hospital and stayed right next to him until I could bring him home with me. Only being able to hold my baby for feedings (only 20 mins each feeding ) was so

Be Brave and Create your own Happiness

   I've always been determined to be my own boss and do what I love while making money.  It's not an easy thing to do or figure out , It took me many years to figure out how I could make a living doing what I love every single day but also make money to pay my bills and be comfortable.   I never went into mermaiding or being a hair stylist having her own little salon from home  thinking it was gonna make me rich ....I just want to make enought to support myself.  To be completly honest I wasn't sure if that was even possible.  I mean how were people gonna know about me if I didnt work for a big company ?  Would people actually call to book me ? What if they canceled ?  I have no big sign on the road advertising my business so how sucessful could i really be ?   These were all questions that went through my mind over and over and sometimes scare me.        Im still very new at this but guess what people started hearing about me through friends and social media, I joined th

Positive Mind = Positive Life

     Positive Mind = Positive Life ,  I woke up today and that was my first thought of the day and I'm so happy it was, its true you have to always keep a positive mind even at the hardest times in life.  Lately over the last couple weeks I feel like I've come in contact with people just radiating negativity or going out of there way to make me feel bad and there were a few days Im sad to say it worked and I came home just feeling down, not myself.  It didn't last long witin a few hours I said to myself  " Nicole what they said doesn't matter and don't let them take the positive happy energy out of you because there the ones not happy with themself ."  Then that was that and I tried not to give it anymore of my thought or time because it really doesn't matter and I wasn't about to let them win, the way I felt that day when I came home is exactly how that person was hoping I'd feel for probobly days but I didnt let that happen.    Always keep a

Channel your inner mermaid part 4

    Mermaids have  the special gift of connection, Meaning they can connect with anyone they think about. Imagine thinking of a friend or relative who lives far away and wishing they were right there with you. When mermaids think of someone they can feel the connection with that person like their right in front of them and can also heal from a distance. They can feel if that person needs healing and can do just that. In our world we can do they same. we can connect with others on all levels even if there not close by. We as well have the power of deep connection and healing. Spiritual healing is so powerful, we all have a god we believe in and pray to, It's having that belief and faith that will help in the healing process.     I'm also a big believer in crystal healing and mediation. My meditation I call mermaid meditation... one reason is because I am a professional mermaid and before I enter the water I do a 15 - 20 min meditation to clear my mind and to connect me be

channel your inner mermaid part 3

Image    Mermaids are extremely secretive creatures. They hide from most humans afraid of being captured. I say most humans because there are some very special people in the world that mermaids choose to bond with and sometimes fall in love with.  If you are lucky enough to connect with this beautiful creature you can be sure that anything you tell a mermaid will remain a secret. Mermaids are kind, honest and trustworthy those are traits all humans should have. Have you ever told a friend something and asked them to please not tell anyone ?  but then a few days later you come to find out that they've told your whole circle of friends.  Do you remember how that made you feel? Probably pretty bad and you were most likely angry and felt you wanted to get them back.  That's not the right thing to do, when you find yourself in that situation or one like that always remember to channel your inner mermaid and stay that kind, honest and trustworthy person.  Don&

Channel your inner mermaid part 2

Image   Mermaids are good creatures they have a tremendous amount of empathy for other beings. They feel what others feel , I believe we all should be that way. Put yourself on a daily basis in someone else's shoes. Just doing or saying something kind can turn that persons day even week around, and then they may return the kindness to someone else that's in need of it.  Don't hurt anyone's feelings for any reason, even if you dislike that person  always be kind and maybe if you go out of your way and make a kind gesture,  try and help that person or get to know that person a little more. Kindness goes a long way and I promise it will rub off on others around you. I've worked for many years in the service industry waiting tables and bartending and I run into on a daily basis rude and just mean people and sometimes I feel like just breaking down and crying but I keep a smile on my face and instead of being rude back I try to make sure I'm  extra ki

channel your inner mermaid part 1

Image   Being a mermaid isn't just swimming in a tail and entertaining people, its a way of living. What I mean by that its being the best you can be.  It,s being kind, genuine, loving, honest, helping people around you that need help and doing your part in helping protecting our earth.     Mermaids are connected and united with nature , connect yourself with the outdoors its great for your well being - go on a hike, meditate outdoors you'll be amazed how great you'll feel if you try and unite yourself with nature daily.  Have you every just danced in the rain and embraced it?  It's an incredible and freeing feeling, try it next time it rains put your umbrellas away dont worry about getting your hair and makeup wet and just walk thru , dance and sing in the rain!  make sure you take just 15 - 30 min a day doing something in nature.  bird watch, simply just sit down outside feel the earth beneath you close your eyes and listen to gods creations.  It wil