My son has taught me to be a kid again

Becoming a mama has made me a kid again , my son is only a year old and In this last year he has taught me so much.  I used to be so silly and goofy ALL the time and as I got older I started actually growing up . As I started having more responsibilities and the stress of life my kid like self just started changing and I really didn’t realize I had lost it until my son was born .
All of a sudden I started being silly again making up goofy dances, making up all sorts of little fun songs for him , crawling around at the playground chasing him pretending that I can’t catch him ( he loves that ) .  I made up this song called “I’m the dancing turtle” along with a dance and I end up having to perform this song and dance for him when were at the store or in a restaurant , I catch people looking at me ( I mean how could you not look ).  I also made up this diaper changing song that I sing to him almost every time I change his diaper and yes even in public restrooms. My son loves to dance ( just like his mama )  if he hears a song he recognizes he smiles at me and that's my Que to start dancing with him and yes even if were out it doesn't matter my little man and I will dance wherever we are.   
 Before I became a mom if I felt people were looking at me or if I overheard someone say something I would have felt totally embarrassed.  My son has given me confidence in myself again, he's taught me to just have fun get silly be a little crazy,  he has taught me not to care about what others think or say, he's taught me to live in the moment and to enjoy each and every beautiful moment as they don't last forever , he's taught me to find the fun in everything , like  folding laundry he loves to throw the clothes in the air and climb inside the laundry basket and I push him around in it for a while. Sure household chores may take longer but we have fun. Everything we do (even chores) has turned into a fun adventure for us both.  He has taught me that there is always a positive in everything and to find the happiness and joy in the little things, he has taught me there's nothing I can't do,   My son has taught me so much about myself , he has put a permanent smile on my face.  Seeing the world through my sons eyes is truly amazing, feeling his excitement its as if I were experiencing everything for the first time all over again. I take in every moment and try to hold on as tight as I can because I know its just that... a moment and each and everyday he is growing and changing and before I know it my sweet little boy will be all grown up.

Of course parenting is hard and we all have our challenging days but instead of complaining or looking at it negatively turn that day around by finding the fun in your day I promise it's there and if you can't find it I know your child can so put what your doing down and join in the fun even if it's just for a few minutes. Look at the world through your child's eyes , you will find your days become happier and lighter , you will suddenly be on magical adventures with them ( even if it's to the grocery store ).  Your fun kid like self will start to creep back in and you will wake up looking at the day ahead of you in a completely different light and as a fun adventure that awaits. Be silly, have fun & get a little crazy , dance in the rain or at the store with with your child and enjoy all the laughter and fun because their is so much to be had in everyday.


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