channel your inner mermaid part 3

   Mermaids are extremely secretive creatures. They hide from most humans afraid of being captured. I say most humans because there are some very special people in the world that mermaids choose to bond with and sometimes fall in love with.  If you are lucky enough to connect with this beautiful creature you can be sure that anything you tell a mermaid will remain a secret. Mermaids are kind, honest and trustworthy those are traits all humans should have. Have you ever told a friend something and asked them to please not tell anyone ?  but then a few days later you come to find out that they've told your whole circle of friends.  Do you remember how that made you feel? Probably pretty bad and you were most likely angry and felt you wanted to get them back.  That's not the right thing to do, when you find yourself in that situation or one like that always remember to channel your inner mermaid and stay that kind, honest and trustworthy person.  Don't go to the level of someone that has hurt you because when you do you become that person that you yourself don't want to be around or be friends with, and I promise you that will only make you feel worse inside.  Just keep that person at a distance and keep your guard up but always remain kind. 


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