
Showing posts from September, 2019

I'm a Mermaid Mama!!

So it's been a while since my last post I've had a lot going on.... I am now a Mermaid Mama!    I had my son Easton on october 29, 2018 he is now ten months old and is absolutly  my whole world! Its amazing how much he's changed my life in the best way , everyone told me when I was pregnant that there is no greater love and they were all so right on that . It's a love so strong there are no words big enough to describe it.   Our sweet baby boy entered this world 6 weeks early and had to spend a week in the NICU, let me just say that was the hardest most emotional week of my life. When they came in my room and told me they were discharging me without my baby I just lost it I just couldn't imagine leaving without my baby. Once discharged I went home packed a backpack with things I needed went right back to the hospital and stayed right next to him until I could bring him home with me. Only being able to hold my baby for feedings (only 20 mins each feeding ) was so