Be a positive Impact on others

 What are some things that have had a major impact on your life?  We have all had something happen to us in a good and positive way that has had a uplifting effect on our life, & sure we have also had things happen or even people you've allowed into your life that has also had a negative impact on you as well. 
   Let's think of all the positive things or people in your life that have impacted us in a wonderful way!  I've been very lucky in my life to have met some mermazing people that I know will be a part of my life always, some of these people came into my life very unexpectedly but I believe that everything happens for a reason and a higher power placed them in my life or me in there's for a reason, People you have in your life should be positive influences for you, meaning they should make you smile, bring joy in your life and not stress. Being around them should bring positivity into your life.  I know we can choose to surround ourselves with good positive people but what about those negative people in our life that we have no choice to be around because we have to work with them or they could be someone you have to sit near in class,  we all have a negative person or two in our lives that we have to be around and maybe you find that this person or people start to have a negative effect on your life and you find that they even start to bring your mood down.  When this happens its so important to keep a positive attitude and try your hardest not to let these people get to you, you may even find that the more positive and happy you are around these people it may even start to rub off on them and you can impact them in a good way.  A good exercise for me that I use when I go into work or out into the world and maybe that particular day I feel i'm surrounded by negativity well instead of  letting it get to me I close my eyes for a moment and pretend I have a bubble around me shielding me from the negativity of others and I silently say to myself I will not be affected today by anyones negativity and only let positive thoughts and people in. When I get home in my positive and safe environment I make sure I mentally release myself from the bubble. This may sound a little strange to some people but it really does work.  Always remember to keep your thoughts positive at all times even when things aren't exactly going your way.  Cherish those special people in your life that impacted you in a good way, and try to be that positive person to others you never know what lasting effects you may have on someone so make them good ones!      


  1. Great posts today! Your an inspiration for everyone! Keep doing what your doing!


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